Supporting those experiencing homelessness
Those experiencing homelessness for prolonged periods of time are likely to witness the deaths of others and may also experience other compounding losses such as the death of a pet, the passing of sheltered friends or family members and more (Marie Curie 2022)
The research of Caris (2010) found that participants (who were homeless), suffered extremely from a lack of appropriate bereavement support at the right time which led to loneliness and isolation, suicidal ideation, crisis intervention.
It is critical therefore to consider how to best support those who are already living precariously in the wake of a loss. How do individuals cope with loss and grief, in light of the daily stresses and lived realities of homelessness?
Systemic barriers within the health and social care systems add multiple barriers for this community to access timely help. Evolve & Flourish work with front line agencies to upskill their understanding of how grief can be impacted by homelessness. We deliver training to develop the skills and confidence of workers and volunteers to have supportive conversations and to be able to signpost clients to local and national support systems, offering grassroot timely support.
“I enjoyed this training a lot. It was very interesting and got me thinking about others and myself. It was very useful for our sector, I wish I had this training at the start of my career. This training is useful and important”.
“It’s very helpful as this isn't a subject area that I have covered before. Well delivered, brilliant exercise to do”.
“I thought the training was great. It opened my mind to things I don't really think about. The training has helped me in my work by making sure the language I use around grief and bereavement is correct to prevent triggering clients/service users”.
“I have seen a massive difference with my staff members supporting residents who have had a bereavement they definitely are more confident and show more empathy and understand how grief can hit people differently and have more of a understanding towards a person’s behaviours especially if they recently just had a loss of a family or friend who was a significant figure in their lives”.
If your organisation supports people experiencing homelessness, get in touch to find out how Evolve & Flourish can help develop your team’s skills to support their clients who are coping with loss.